去年(2013年)12月10日,群立科技很榮幸已獲Google官方正式宣布,由先前的授權合作夥伴(Authorised Partner)晉升為首席合作夥伴(Premier Partner)。在亞洲地區Google合作夥伴中僅有二間公司獲此殊榮,群立即為其一;也代表群立科技於Google Maps for Business (註)解決方案,在台灣有其領航專業顧問團隊之地位。
首席合作夥伴(Premier Partner)是一個全新的里程碑,這是Google原廠認可其地區合作夥伴,能為客戶在產品規劃、配置、採購、部署、上線等各環節,擔任專家顧問、提供專業意見、支援技術開發、提供整體服務流程,代表其具備完整專業能力之合作夥伴資格認證。這項得來不易的殊榮,必須經由Google嚴格審核,在業績水準、客戶案例、專業技術認證上,均達到一定水平,才能獲得;以下即為群立科技獲得Google肯定、在短短兩年迅速晉升首席合作夥伴(Premier Partner)的關鍵因素:
首席合作夥伴(Premier Partner)是一個全新的里程碑,這是Google原廠認可其地區合作夥伴,能為客戶在產品規劃、配置、採購、部署、上線等各環節,擔任專家顧問、提供專業意見、支援技術開發、提供整體服務流程,代表其具備完整專業能力之合作夥伴資格認證。這項得來不易的殊榮,必須經由Google嚴格審核,在業績水準、客戶案例、專業技術認證上,均達到一定水平,才能獲得;以下即為群立科技獲得Google肯定、在短短兩年迅速晉升首席合作夥伴(Premier Partner)的關鍵因素:
- 豐碩的客戶實績案例,涵蓋防救災、交通、物流、水土保持、房地產等多元領域
- 取得Google多項專業認證,厚植系統整合開發技術能量
作為Google首席合作夥伴(Premier Partner),群立科技能由Google原廠獲得更多、更直接的資源與協助、能為群立的客戶爭取更多權益與保障;群立科技也將秉持一貫「專業、誠信、責任、熱忱」態度,為國內客戶提供更優質專頁的服務。更多資訊請參考群立科技官網。
註: Google Maps for Business企業版解決方案,包括:Google Earth企業版、Google Maps API企業版、Google Maps Engine、Google Coordinate API等GIS(Geographic information system, 空間資訊系統) 相關技術與解決方案
GeoForce Becomes A Google Enterprise Maps Premier Partner
[Date 10 December, 2013] -- GeoForce announced today that it has become a Premier Partner of solutions based on Google’s Enterprise Maps for Business technologies. This new designation from Google enables customers to more easily assess a partners expertise advising on and deploying Google products. GeoForce has moved from an Authorized to a Premier Reseller based on their expertise and success in helping customers deploy and use Google Maps for business solutions.
“The Google Enterprise Maps partner program has enabled us to offer comprehensive solutions to our customer’s enterprise mapping and visualization requirements", said Robert Hsu, General Manager of GeoForce. "We’re pleased to be recognized as a Premier Partner, and we look forward to continuing our work helping customers take advantage of Google Maps for Business.”
Google Maps for Business brings the power of Google Maps to an organization, providing simple, familiar mapping technology to the workplace. Businesses can layer their data on top of Google’s base map and create their own maps and geospatial applications that can be used by anyone — anytime, anywhere. By using any of Google Maps business solutions, including Google Maps Engine, Google Maps Engine Pro, Google Maps Coordinate or the Google Maps APIs, organizations and their employees can rely on maps that are comprehensive, easy-to-use and always up-to-date.
The Google Enterprise Partner program includes companies globally that sell, service and customize Google maps for business solutions for their customers. As a part of the Google Maps Partner program, GeoForce receives training, support and deployment tools from Google.
For more information on GeoForce program please visit www.geoforce.com.tw.